Palquench H, HC

Quenching Oils (Hot)

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Products Description

Palquench S is a high quality, solvent refined, high viscosity index quenching oils, blended from highly refined base oils and selected additives for effective quenching and uniform hardening of metal components without metallurgical distortion. They have good oxidation and thermal stability, prevent formation of sludge, rust and corrosion and also offer long service life.

PAL QUENCH-S is suitable for general purpose quenching operation of steel components such as nuts and bolts, ball bearings etc. manufactured by automobile and light engineering industry at bath temperature 50ºC to 65ºC.

PAL QUENCH-C is recommended for quenching operation where compounded oil is preferred, viz. for quenching of variety of steel components in major industries, high speed steel tools, ball bearings, nuts, springs etc.

PAL QUENCH-H is recommended for the mass production of high precision, high quality products viz. automotive gears and transmission components, bearing rings etc. at an optimum bath temperature up to 180ºC.

PAL QUENCH-HC is recommended for quenching operation where compounded oil is preferred at an optimum bath temperature up to 180ºC.

Performance Level

IS 2664-1980, Straight Mineral Type, Compound Type & IS 4543-1977 (Reaffirmed 1987) specifications.






  H HC
1. Kinematic Viscosity, cSt @ 40ºC 210-230 95-115
2. Kinematic Viscosity, cSt @ 100ºC 17-19 11-13
3. Flash Point, COC,ºC, min. 240 240
4. Quenching Time by Magnetic Quenchometer. (ASTM D 3520) 35 28
5. Viscosity Index, min. 90 95

*The specifications are subject to variations/development/customization.

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