Premium Quality Soluble Cutting Oil

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Products Description

PALKUT SL PRO is a superior grade soluble cutting oil blended from highly refined base oil and special additive to provide superior tool life and other benefits. It has excellent emulsion stability with hard water. PALKUT SL PRO can be used for machining & grinding of ferrous as well as non-ferrous materials.


  • Milky stable emulsion
  • Designed for multi-metal use
  • Better corrosion protection.
  • Readily emulsifies to form stable emulsion (oil in water type, water hardness 800 ppm) and resists bacterial growth.
  • Formulation is free of chlorine, phenol etc. harmful chemicals


PALKUT SL PRO is developed with a high mineral oil content for a variety of metal cutting operations where cooling is important. This high-performance soluble oil is designed especially for general machining like turning, planning, drilling, milling of ferrous and non-ferrous metals like Aluminium. Check the emulsion strength regularly and top up if necessary.

Recommended Concentration

Recommended Concentration:
Cast iron Mild Steel Alloy Steel Aluminium Alloys
Grinding & Turning 4 – 5% 3 – 5% 4 – 6% 4 – 6%
Milling, Reaming, Boring 5 – 6% 5 – 7% 5 – 8% 5 – 8%
Drilling, Tapping, Threading 5 – 6% 5 – 7% 5 – 8% 5 – 8%

Coolant Management Guidelines

  • Ensure that before charging an emulsion the machines are clean. While preparing the emulsion always add oil to water, while addition the agitator must be on. Never add water to oil.
  • Check the emulsion concentration on regular basis. Maintenance of proper concentration gives satisfactory performance as well as minimize bacteria problem.
  • Always ensure to maintain the pH range between 8.5 to 9.3
  • The top up should be done in the form of emulsion. Never add only water or oil to the sump.
  • Periodical checking of Bacterial count needs to be done. The earlier detection of bacterial count can be tackled easily by using proper additives.

Performance Level

Meets IS 1115:1986 (Reaffirmed 2013) specifications






1 Colour, Oil Visual Light Brown
2 Appearance, Oil Visual Clear
3 Colour, Emulsion Visual Milky White
4 Copper Corrosion, 100°C, 3 hrs. ASTM D130 1a
5 Emulsion Test, 5:1 & 20:1 ratio
in water of 400 ppm hardness (as CaCO3)
IS 1448 P:68 No Oil, No cream separation
6 Frothing Test, 5:1 & 20:1 ratio
in water of 200 ppm hardness (as CaCO3)
IS 1448 P:99 Passes (no froth)
7 Cast Iron Corrosion Test in 400
ppm hard water (as CaCO3)
IS 1115: Appendix A Passes
8 Thermal Stability Test IS 1448 P:100 Passes
9 Refractometer Factor 1.0
10 pH, at 5% in distilled water 9.36
11 Emulsion Stability in 800 ppm hard water, 48 hours Internal Passes (No Oil or scum separation)

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