Pal Synco

Synthetic Cutting Fluids

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Products Description

Pal Synco are premium quality water-soluble oil free fully synthetic type Coolant, specially developed for use on ferrous metals only. These oils does not undergo bacterial degradation and leave objectionable odour. Further These are non foaming, non toxic, non hazardous, thus ensuring total safety of the workmen. These are operator friendly and economical in use due to high mixing ratio and long service life.

PAL SYNCO – 100 is fortified with rust, corrosion inhibitor, bactericide, fungicide etc. It has several advantages over conventional soluble cutting oil. Recommended for machining and grinding of ferrous metals only

PAL SYNCO – 200 contains EP additive to give high surface finish. Recommended for machining and grinding of iron, steel, non-alloyed steel and nickel-chrome steel.

PAL SYNCO – 300 is especially recommended for machining & grinding operations where it provides extremely smooth surface finish

PAL SYNCO – 400is recommended for machining & cutting operations of steel & nickel chrome steel.

Not recommended for the machining of non-ferrous metals.


Dilution ratio with water varies between 2%-3% depending upon the operation and product handled.

  • Concentrated mixture may lead to paint peel off in the machines and some discoluration of the operator’s skin.
  • Coolant should be used only in clean circulating system.

Performance Level

IS 11186-1985 (reaffirmed 1990) specifications






Sr. No PROPERTIES 100 200 300 400
1. Appearance Green Green Green Green
2. Solution Appearance, @2% in distilled water Clear fluorescent Green Clear fluorescent Green
3. Cast Iron Corrosion, @250ppm,500ppm Passes Passes Passes Passes
4. pH 2% dilution in distilled water 9 10 9 9.5
5. Low temperature static test     Passes Passes

*The specifications are subject to variations/development/customization.

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