Products Description
PAL ADF is a premium aqueous diesel exhaust fluid fluid which is manufactured as per ISO 22241.
Diesel engines can be run with lean burn air to fuel ratio so as to ensure the full combustion of soot & to prevent them from exhausting unburnt fuel. The excess of air leads to generation of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) which are harmful pollutants from the nitrogen in the air. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is the leading technology being used to meet the 2010 emission regulations & is used to reduce the amount of NOx released in the atmosphere.
PAL ADF is injected into the exhaust pipeline where the aqueous urea vaporizes & decomposes to form ammonia to carbon dioxide. With the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst, the NOx are reduced by the ammonia & water & Nitrogen which are harmless and these are released through the exhaust. SCR technology as per reports suggests that NOx reductions upto 90% can be achieved.
The overall reduction of NOx by urea is
2NH2-CO-NH2+4NO+O2® 4N2+4H2O+2CO2
PAL ADF is quite effective in controlling the emission of Nitrogen Oxides from power plants, diesel powered trucks, trains, ship & heavy equipment. It is non-toxic, non-hazardous & formaldehyde free.
Performance Level
PAL ADF complies with AUS 32 & ISO 22241-1 specifications.
Storage Instructions
Best before 12 months from the date of manufacturing subject to storage in a good, ventilated covered area and which is not exposed to direct sunlight. Storage temperature to be between -6°C to 30°C for maintaining optimum condition
If storage is above 30° C or in a vented container, the shelf-life will be best before 6 months from the date of manufacturing
Keep away from dust & dirt